"Ann, you have a wonderful gift for gently and considerately helping a person identify exactly how they can improve their wellbeing,  confidence and approach to life. You have found a beautiful way of sharing your gift and your knowledge and this has released me from a debilitating habit. I cannot thank you enough. I have a new voice, a new approach to life and a new love, Doodling. Thank you XX " Helen (U.K)

Hello Generous Soul, Do You Have Trouble Expressing Yourself?

Have you lost your authentic voice by always being a support for others?

Do you have trouble finding the words to say what you really want to say?

Do you find it difficult to ask for what you want and need?

Or have you perhaps forgotten what it is you want to ask for?

Let me help you remember and reclaim your voice The Heartworker's Way.

By combining the power of coaching, guided contemplation and creativity, I help you reconnect to your heart centre so you may learn to fully express yourself and remember that you are a COMPASSIONATE, CREATIVE AND COURAGEOUS worthy of being heard and seen!


Become more COMPASSIONATE by connecting to your HEART


Become more CREATIVE by opening your MIND


Become more COURAGEOUS by learning to trust your GUT

"Working with Ann has been nothing short of life-changing. Through working with her I have been able to dream and allow that dream to change over time. I have discovered more of who I am and what I truly value in life. Ann's guidance and gentle meditation prompts have caused me to have many ah-ha moments over the past few months and those ah-ha moments have transformed into actionable steps that I can take to lead the kind of life I have always wanted. [...]." - Amy (US)


The Heartworker's Way is a powerful method that is designed to gently and playfully guide you from a state of lack to one of LOVE, unlocking your ability to express yourself fully, empowering you to make meaningful changes in your life.

The process is guided by three keys: BE KIND, BE CURIOUS, BE PRESENT and offers a transformative journey of self-discovery and personal growth by integrating the practices of coaching/guided contemplation and doodling.

This unique approach allows you to gain a deeper understanding of yourself and your desires in a playful way. At the same time, the act of doodling serves as a conduit for self-expression and exploration, helping you tap into your innate COMPASSION, CREATIVITY AND COURAGE.

Why Doodling?

 There are many advantages to using the power of doodling. Not only does it assist in helping to process information and organise your thoughts by improving focus but it also helps you to process emotions in a gentle way. In addition, the making of pictures activates a different part to the brain compared to talking or writing, expanding the mind and allowing you the chance to see new perspectives.

In the context of working with me, doodling serves as a means to reconnect your overthinking brain with your loving heart. This is essential for your ability to listen deeply and recognise what truly matters to you.

Help! I can't draw!!!

Are you worried about your lack of drawing ability? Fear not! No drawing skills are required. Doodling is less about artistic talent and more about immersing yourself in your heart-space. Think of it as creating ''HEARTWORK' rather than artwork. If you need assistance or guidance, as well as a fun way to get 'your hand in', I will provide you with a basic doodle lesson to help boost your confidence and get you started!

Your Creative Facilitator

Hi! I am Ann Skinner, a heartworker and doodle advocate, coach, author, lover of life, nature, family, dogs, singing, colours, views and so much more ...

Born and bred in The Netherlands, I have traveled to many countries but my heart belongs in the UK, where I have lived for much of my adult life with my husband of 30+ years and rescue dog Honey.

Throughout my life, I have had many adventures and gained a wealth of experience in various areas of life, both in business and personal and professional development. My stubborn fascination with 'why we do what we do' has given me much insight into human nature and helped me remember that we are 'human beings' before we are 'human doings'.

I am a certified Strategic Intervention coach, Multiple Brain Integrated Training (mBIT) coach and NLP Master Practitioner as well as a CIPD trained trainer. In addition, I continue to explore different modalities, such as the application of Positive Intelligence, the 3 Principles (Mind, Thought & Consciousness) and Brain Training.

It wasn't until I discovered my innate creativity, that I realised there is another, more playful way to explore and evolve our human experience: Through THE POWER OF SELF EXPRESSION. DOODLING happens to be a simple but very effective tool accessible to all! This is how The Heartworker's Way was born.

Ann Skinner

(aka Ann The Heartworker)

Heartworker and doodle advocate, changing lives The Heartworker's Way

Apart from sharing my passion and joy for coaching and doodling, I am also an Author/Illustrator.

In 2017 I published The Art of Contribution, which became a #1 seller in Amazon’s Spiritual Gift department.

In 2019, I published Annie and Eva Love Devon, which was inspired by my love of doodling, my dog Eva (RIP) and our walks around the Devonshire countryside.

Did you know? You can follow my Heartwork @doodleanniedaily on Instagram

a few kind words
Thank you, thank you, thank you so much!

To be honest I never expected it to be so profound.

I absolutely loved it and it definitely brought a lot of joy and opening up and gave me new tools to boost my creativity or to brainstorm with myself.


Ann is a lovely, kind, knowledgeable and caring facilitator and teacher.

I knew whatever she did, I wanted to be a part of it.

I really enjoyed the meditation process, together with doodling it's enlightening.

I also really like and appreciate the produced self-taught sessions and the soothing way Ann talks, as well as the beautiful way the online course is produced.


Hi Ann. I just want to say thank you but words don’t seem to be enough.

Your classes have brought so much light and laughter, drawing, doodling and of course love into my being and has brought me such a really good sense of wellbeing.

I hope you are feeling so much appreciation from me to you.


The programme has exceeded my expectations [...]. Overall I would say it is a beautiful healing journey, very informative, creative and encouraging and clearly created from love and joy.

It has also given me support as someone who is self employed by giving me the confirmation I need that, despite all my worries, I am on the right path.


Working with Ann has been nothing short of life-changing.  [...]

Doodling made this a more joyful, playful experience and brought this course to life for me, it helped me see what I was learning, and unlike just taking notes that I never look at again I can, and often do look back through my journal, and with just a quick glance I can remember what was taught and what I got from it." - Amy (US)



Your classes provide a space to let go of stress and are an opportunity to let creativity flow.

In addition, the themes for contemplation take you to a deeper level of healing.

Deep Gratitude 🙏🙏🙏